
Monday, September 16, 2013

Project 365 - ENGLAND Part 1 - Week Thirty-Two

FINALLY! I've begun to work through the photos from my trip to England! This will be a two part edition so be watching for the second half of my trip coming up soon. Enjoy!

Saw this at the airport. Just a little bit pricy for my liking...
This is where we stayed for the first 5 days of our trip, in Wickersley.
This is the church where my grandparents got married!
My step mom, Val, strolling the lane.
Some graves in the graveyard where my great=grand parents were buried. 

We buried my Nana Joyce while we were in England. She passed away last summer. 

We had tea after the memorial service with my Great Aunt Joan (my nana's sister). Tea in England is soooo delicious. Seriously.

The Crooked Spire

The Chatsworth Estate 
My cousin, Stephen, looking through a huge hollow tree.

The most majestic bed I've ever seen! I wanted to jump on it so bad.

The library. The Chatsworth family still uses this room on occasion. 

The Chatsworth Estate is where Pride & Prejudice was filmed!
Some of the original Jane Austen novels
Mr. Darcy. See the note on his sculpture...
A huge tree!

There was several of these huge wicker art pieces scattered throughout the gardens at Chatsworth. I thought they were super neat.

If I had a garden....I would have bought this.

The next day, my cousin, Kev, took my dad and I on a road trip. This is at the top of Mam Tor. 

My dad. Filming. Again. :)

My cousin, Kev.


Me and purple mountains. :) 

Then we went to Fountains Abbey. This was the entrance. This was by far the favourite part of my whole trip! You'll see why in the next few photos.

Fountains Abbey. So cool!

Kev taught me a neat way to make a photo of these trees look like a painting. I think it's pretty sweet.

Fountains Abbey from far
The biggest tree I've ever seen in my life!
Dad and Kev

This place...oh man. Love.
Kev bought me an ice cream. It was more delicious than it looks!
This is where they take photos for those pretty calendars you can buy. People actually live here!

This is Treak Cavern cave. Obviously it was too dark inside to take photos but it was very neat. About 10 degrees at the furthest point in.

My dad helped the guide make rope! What an interesting process.

I think they could have put a few more pots of flowers on this house...

Fish and Chips. Cliche but I don't care. It was scrumptious!

The whole fam jam spent the day in York shopping in the Shambles. The streets were very tightly packed, like you can see above and loaded with little shops. We could have spent a whole day here!

A purple man statue. Yes he's real.

I went into probably the girliest shiniest store I've ever seen in my life. 

This is a water wall feature at the Sheffield train station. This is where we got our train to Scotland and said farewell to our newfound family.

My first glimpse of Scotland from the train! 

Stay tuned for Part Two of my England/Scotland trip!


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