I've never been one to enjoy musicals, especially movies. I wasn't raised with the annual "Sound of Music" night, or renting "Footloose" with my sister. They seem so ridiculous to me. The thought of having a whole conversation with someone through a song seems somewhat absurd when thought about. Every now and then I throw in a sing-song type voice when I get really excited about something, but I'd hardly say my life is a musical. They just seem cheesy.
Think about it for a minute. Can you imagine if we actually lived like this? The phrase "I feel a song coming on" takes a whole new meaning. It's just not for me.
But then this got me thinking about worship. What if our lives were a "worship musical" (for lack of a better term)? What if our lives exuded praise to Him in our everyday conversations and situations, just like in a musical? What would that look like? Being a musical person I often find my mind full of songs I had just heard on the radio or on a nearby TV but what if those songs were replaced with thoughts of praise? I don't mean that when I'm happy I'm going to burst into a chorus of "Hallelujah". But what if our lives just overflowed with worship? What if all my thoughts and reactions were guided toward something like this? My life would be dramatically different. Random thought, I know.
Worship has been on my mind alot lately. What does worship look like? Does it have a form or is it a way of life? I think I know in my head that it's a way of life but I don't live like it is. It's a habit we must form. Every sunny day, every sunset, and every bird in the sky....He made it...therefore I praise. What if it were that simple? Wait a minute. It is that simple. Why do we complicate everything?
I long to live a life that looks like this. I want to see God in everything and everyone. I want to see the world through His eyes.
One day at a time, I guess.
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